Alpha Antenna was brought to life in 2005 after the founder was called to serve the amateur radio community. The first systems were produced in 1979 by the Founder, Steven Deines. Since that day, this company has expanded to produce superior designs for VHF UHF HF Base, Portable, and Mobile antennas. These high-performance solutions include MagLoops, Dipoles, Verticals, Yagis, and End-fed antennas.
Alpha Antenna details
Websites and pages associated with Alpha Antenna:
Alpha Antenna homepage
Organizational structure:
Home country: United States
Top countries of operations:
Alpha Antenna homepage
Organizational structure:
- Incorporated business
- Sell products online
- Sell products at physical location
- Sell products at hamfests
- Manufacture gear
- Repair gear
- Write news, articles, reviews
- Produce videos
- Test gear
- Fund amateur radio initiatives
- Distribute gear
Home country: United States
Top countries of operations:
- United States
- European Union (most countries)
- Canada
- Japan
- Australia
- English
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Italian
- Hindi
- Japanese
- Swedish
- 112 East Commercial St.
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
United States of America